Wednesday 17 April 2013

Fashion Course for teenagers - success!

The round up from our teen courses that took place over the Easter break!

We have a lovely group of girls with us all of last week, sketching, designing, sewing and making. We've been keen to get the teen courses off the ground for a while so it was great to have such dedicated girls setting the precedent for more such courses!

The first day was spent on design, sourcing ideas based around a theme and translating these ideas into a moodboard. The girls then did sketches from their boards, and final designs for their skirt.

We had some gorgeous inspirations such as egypt, shells, petals, aztec prints, and african fabrics.

The final designs were diverse and gorgeous!

The second day was drawing and ilustration, focussing on drawing proportions, features, details, and fabric patterns on the body.

The girls produced some really top quality work, very impressive fabric sketches.

The last two days were sewing skills and making a skirt. Its was brilliant to see the girls soak up these essential sewing skills and put them to great use making a skirt ready to take home!

 Thanks for coming girls! We've put these pictures up on our pinterest board too, see here.

If you or your daughter, or son (these classes aren't just for girls of course!) are interested in sewing courses for teens, we've got the next batch scheduled for the May half term already! email info@fashionatidote for further details.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful course! My daughter had such a fantastic time and learned so much! Thank you again!
